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UHNA Community Meeting | March 14, 2024

U-Hills Community Meeting

University Hills Neighborhood Association

Denver, Colorado, 80222

14 March 2024 | 6:30 PM | Zoom Meeting due to Major Snow Storm

Prepared by: Lisa Zinn, Secretary


Donna Wickham, Kristin Arkin-Leydig, Lisa Zinn, Linda Dailey, David Mindock, Emily Holben Walker, Kathy Corbett, Mike Marsico, Eddie Moreno


Annalize Kirsten, Stacey Schafer, Rhonda Muldoon, Shannon Burke, Molly Stawinoga


  1. Recap and Approval of February 2024 Minutes - Emily made a motion to approve and Eddie seconded the motion

  2. Special Guest - Deputy DA Bill Winter - Was unable to connect effectively to present. Will reschedule his presentation to June 13th Community Meeting @ Eisenhower Rec Center

New Business

Treasurer’s Report 

  1. Linda was unable to give the Treasurer’s Report as connectivity was an issue

  2. Emily still needs to be reimbursed for receipts submitted January 19, 2024 for $ 340.30. Linda will get a check to Emily this week

Egg Hunt Event 

  1. Schedule

  2. Divide Egg Hunt by Age Group as in previous years

  3. Toddler - 3 years old @ 10 AM

  4. 4 -7 year olds @ 10:15 AM

  5. 8+ @ 10:30 AM

  6. Donna has received all egg stuffing supplies and the Bunny costume. Kristin will pick those up to have for the egg stuffing event. 

  7. Kristin is hosting an Egg Stuffing Party on March 23 from 1-3 PM

  8. Kathy, Emily from the Board will be at the Egg Hunt

Call for Volunteers

  1. Need Board Members to be at entry points and to direct people where to go

  2. Board Member/Neighbor/Community Member at each Egg Hunt Location to direct when each Age Group Starts

  3. Kristin volunteered Ty to be the bunny


  1. Timbuk Toys for 100 small toys plus 4-6 large toys for prizes with a Gold Coin in the Egg

  2. $250 from Pet Station - David will get the check to Linda

  3. David Mindock will sponsor for $250 and will get his check to Linda

  4. Donna has donated $100 via Paypal

Food Trucks Info Update

  1. Food Truck Sponsors - New Sponsorship Letter in the UHNA Google Drive that everyone can access

  2. Shining Lotus will be a sponsor

  3. Kathy will follow-up with the Offices @ ____________

Misc. Items Discussed

  1. Highline Trail Crossing at Dahlia Update 

  2. Donna has spoken to Amy Ford, (manager of DOTI ) and Kayla Zacharias who works with the pedestrian crossing program. They have offered to look into the issue

  3. Donna is waiting to hear from Diana Romero Campbell

  4. Emily wants to know where they are in the process

  5. What can be done to improve the safety of that intersection?

  6. Will there be opportunity for public input?


  1. Eddie brought up the importance of setting up a Venmo account. Kristen is trying to set us up with a non-profit Venmo account.

  2. Needs the QR Code - Donna got Eddie the QR code after the meeting

  3. Kristen needs an original logo

  4. Emily deposited UHNA logo and all other important documentation in

  5. UHNA Google Drive should be where everything is accessible to all board members at all times 

NEXT MONTH’S MEETING  - April 11, 6:30 PM - Zoom - This date does not work for Lisa and Laura as there is a conflict w/Bradley International School Meetings. Donna sent  out a Survey Monkey with other possible dates right after the meeting.

Items to be discussed

  1. Egg Hunt wrap-up and takeaways

  2. Lisa and Laura should plan on attending

  3. Food truck events pre-planning

Meeting adjourned at 7:20 PM

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