November 16, 2021
In attendance: Emily, Lisa, Laura, Jon, David M., Christie.
Roles of various Board Positions
Send questions that Lisa created to potentially interested people to answer and have a “Meet and Greet” with them at Emily’s (or Poppies), prior to elections on December 13th.
Communications Position -
New position or roll into Secretary role?
Daryl? -
Hugh? -
Elaine? -
Stacy? - Media Background experience
Christie has decided not to stay on the board, but will continue her role with DPD Crime and Safety and pushing that info to UHNA/Lisa/Communications person
Review and perhaps update and change Bylaws
Emily w/reach out to Hugh to have him present more information about the process, etc.
Lisa has reached out again to her architect hoping he might attend a meeting to shed some light
Sean - wants to sit down w/members of the board to discuss plans, etc.
Emily doesn’t want/have time to do this, thinks the community should be a part of the discussion, not just the board
Suggested that we invite Sean/YMCA to come to a meeting to present info to members
ReZone on Evans
Will table this issue currently per Kendra Black for the time being
Christie needs $ for Wellshire and a tip
Laura needs to get $$ to Christie for the Santa Event
Gift card for Santa
Dave will give a check toward Candy Canes
Hugh, David A., and Darryl are helping a lot for the Santa Event
Jon will donate $200 toward the Santa Event as well
Christmas tree event this Sat. @ 10 AM