Hello neighbors,
It certainly continues to be strange times. Perhaps stranger still, is how all of this has begun to feel kind of normal.
“Memorial Day is a poignant reminder of the tenacity of life.” (The Old Farmer’s Almanac) This weekend, we celebrate and give immense thanks to all who’ve died in service to our country. Their sacrifice has made our life possible.
With June right around the corner, I think it interesting that the month was “named for the Roman goddess Juno, patroness of marriage and the well-being of women. And also, for the Latin word juvenis, meaning young people.” (The Old Farmer’s Almanac) Now, ‘June bride’ and the many graduations this time of year have even more meaning.
In this newsletter...
Important news about proposed citywide zone changes, upcoming community meetings, and lots of COVID-19 information and resources.
Congratulations to students, teachers, and parents who are finally coming into summer break. (This school year has been quite different, to say the least.)
The University Hills Plaza Farmer’s Market kicks off today! I know the farmers and local vendors are working very hard to keep the outdoor market safe amid the virus. Hope to see you there this summer!
Take good care of yourself and each other,
Emily Holben Walker
President of the Board
University Hills Neighborhood Association
Group Living Advisory Committee Considers Potential Updates to Zone Change Proposal Zone changes are currently being considered for the entire City and County of Denver. If adopted, the proposed changes will effect zoning in our University Hills neighborhood. Please learn more about the proposed zone changes so you can form your own opinion(s). Please also consider submitting comments/concerns and attending the upcoming community meeting. A volunteer advisory committee will be considering potential updates to the zone change proposal in a virtual meeting scheduled Wednesday, May 27. Group Living Advisory Committee Meeting 1:00 PM – 3:30 PM, Wednesday, May 27 Via Online Platform - Details to Come Members of the public may join the meeting online or listen to proceedings by phone. Information on how to connect to the meeting will be posted on the project website once it has been finalized. Although it is not required to participate, RSVPs are requested to ensure the platform can accommodate public engagement.
About the Group Living Project
Denver is seeing increased demand for non-traditional housing. With the evolving needs of Denver residents in mind, along with recent changes to other housing regulations, city planners will work with an advisory committee to evaluate the Denver Zoning Code’s rules for “group living.” This evaluation will include a review of land uses and definitions for: households, community corrections facilities, shelters for the homeless, residential care homes, new uses like tiny home villages, and more. Based on this evaluation, planners will recommend updates to the zoning code for some or all of these housing types. Learn more.
University Hills Farmer’s Market Returns Saturday, May 23, 9 AM – 1 PM
Farmers and vendors will be taking SAFETY PRECAUTIONS TO KEEP YOU SAFE. Vendors will be wearing masks and gloves. There will be sanitation stations throughout the market. Booths will be spaced 6 feet apart. And, there will be 6-foot distancing for customers and one-way customer foot traffic.
The U-Hills Plaza Farmer’s Market really is a LOCAL MARKET. Vendors include:
Palizzi Farm
Forte Fruits
The Rent Tent Bakery
Bjorn’s Honey
Wild Alaskan Seafood
Three Peaks Coffee
Kawsana Coffee
Istanbul Bakery
Toby’s New Orleans Poboys
Royal Crest Dairy
Deep Rooted Gardening
And more, more, more!!
U-Hills Plaza Farmer’s Market
Every Saturday, May 23 – October 17; 9 AM – 1 PM
2500 South Colorado Blvd, Denver, CO 80222
For more information about businesses and events at the U-Hills Plaza, visit www.uhplaza.com.
Denver Electeds’ Online Town Hall Meeting, May 28
Join Councilwoman Kendra Black, other council members, our state representatives, school board representatives, and RTD representatives for a virtual Town Hall. This virtual Town Hall will occur every 2 weeks on Thursdays from 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM.
Join the meeting online, via Zoom:
Password: 5555
Join the meeting via phone:
Phone Number: 408-638-0968
Webinar ID: 924 3016 5131
Watch Denver City Council and Committee Meetings from the Comfort of Your Home
Everyone is welcome to watch our legislative branch in action from the comfort of your home. Watch and listen as your elected officials and appointed committee members discuss budget, land use, policy, and much more. Tune in to local Channel 8 and/or watch online. See what's happening... City Council, Committees, Calendar.
Complete Your Census Now
Why the Census is Important
Census results help determine how billions of dollars in federal funding flow into states and communities each year. Additionally, census results determine how many seats each state gets in Congress.
How to Complete Your Census
You can complete your census from the comfort of your own home online, by phone, or by returning your paper questionnaire in the mail.
East Yale Avenue Corridor Study
East Yale Avenue is one of the main transportation corridors for our University Hills neighborhood and it provides a vital link between 78 Denver neighborhoods. The Denver Department of Transportation and Infrastructure (DOTI) is currently studying the East Yale Avenue Corridor (from Downing Street to the High Line Canal trail connection) to create a package of projects and future change recommendations.
Last month, DOTI hosted a public meeting to gather citizen input. If you were unable to attend, you can watch a recording of the recent community meeting.
Recommendations from the study will guide infrastructure plans into the future. So, it’s very important that the City hear WHAT MATTERS TO YOU when it comes to one of the main transportation corridors in our U-Hills neighborhood. Visit the East Yale Avenue Corridor project website and please send comments, concerns, and ideas to the project team.
Construction of the High Line Canal Underpasses at Hampden Ave and Colorado Blvd
Denver’s Department of Transportation and Infrastructure (DOTI) has begun work to build two underpasses for the historic High Line Canal trail and waterway. The project will build two underpasses to reroute the trail under Colorado & Hampden. In addition, between the two underpasses, DOTI will also add a new, 10-foot wide multi-use trail along the north side of Hampden that will also give people more space to bike and walk.
Construction is planned to be complete in late spring 2021. For more information, please visit the project page.
High Line Canal Bridge at South Holly Street
As you’re already very well aware, our U-Hills community has been long awaiting repairs to the High Line Canal bridge at South Holly Street after it was damaged by the 2019 bomb cyclone weather event.
The most recent update from Councilwoman Kendra Black is that bridge repairs will be completed in Fall 2020. Councilwoman Black is also frustrated the repairs are taking so long: “… the High Line bridge won’t be repaired until mid-2020. [Denver] Public Works is handling the project and they have not prioritized it as they should have!”
We understand and agree that this timeline seems unnecessarily long. We are also concerned about the amount of foot and bike traffic this creates along East Eastman Avenue—certainly creating a safety concern. We will update you as we get more information. In the meantime, please feel welcome to productively voice your concerns by contacting Councilwoman Kendra Black, calling 311, and/or filing an online report at pocketgov.org.
To all of our U-Hills youth, summer is nearly here!
On Friday the 13th (of March), kids “departed school for an extended spring break that quickly transformed into half a semester of online learning” (Ava Ward, TJ Spartan). To all of the young kids, young adults, and parents—trying our best to conduct homeschool—hang in there!... summer is nearly here!! And, a HUGE THANK YOU to our remarkable teachers! This has certainly been a team effort!
Ring in Summer at 3 PM on Friday, May 29!
This Friday, May 29, at 3:00 PM please make some noise from your porch to ring in summer break! Bang pots and pans or simply scream and shout! Kids, parents, and teachers have all worked together like never before! Congratulations! Thanks for all your hard work. We know there were moments you felt you couldn’t make it any further. You’ve done it!!
Congratulations TJ Spartan Graduates!
You’ve done it! Congratulations! The end of your high school career was not the experience you were expecting (expectations you’ve had your whole life). We are proud of you. Find comfort and strength in the fact that you've made it through in a way and a time no others before you have experienced. You are strong.
Well done Hamilton Huskies!
You have grown stronger and wiser before your time. Keep up the good work. For all the new incoming Huskies, the Town Hall for Incoming 6th Graders is May 26, 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM via Google Meet (get more info by calling 720-423-9500) – a new journey awaits you!
You’re Amazing Bradley Eagles!
You’ve officially proven you’re some of the country's best and brightest! Congratulations to the students, teachers, faculty, and families who’ve worked so hard to makeBradley International a National Blue Ribbon School!The deserved celebration of your hard work and success continues into summer!
Light a Tree to Say Thank You to Essential Workers
Tell your friends and neighbors and let's send a bright thank you message to essential workers! Southeast Denver thanks all of the many people helping: firefighters, grocery store workers, nurses, doctors, home health care professionals, retail workers, delivery drivers, warehouse workers, trash collectors, cleaners, restaurants, police, EMTs, transportation workers, neighbors, donors, shelter workers, mental health professionals, manufacturing and many more! Thank you.
Rise in Motor Vehicle Theft
DPD Officers in District 3 (University Hills is in District 3) have seen a large increase in auto thefts. In effort to help you protect your vehicle, DPD is giving away free steering wheel clubs to residents who own the following vehicles: Honda Civics and Accords (years 1993 to 2000); Jeep Cherokee (years 1995 to 2001); Chevrolet Trucks and SUV's (years 2000-2005); Ford F250 (years 2000 to 2005). If you own one of these vehicles and live in DPD District 3, please email Mike.Borquez@denvergov.org to get your free steering wheel club.
Register Your Bike
Keeping a digital record of your bicycle makes it easier to prove ownership in case it’s ever stolen. Help protect your bike with these three easy steps!...
Flip (flip your bike over to see the serial number)
Snap (take a picture of the serial number)
Selfie (take a selfie picture of you with your bike)
After you Flip, Snap, Selfie, you can also register your bike online at DenverGov.org/police.
Beware of COVID Scammers
Scammers are setting up websites and using fake emails, texts, and social media posts to sell products and lure consumers into giving money and personal information. Scammers are also asking consumers to donate to victims, marketing fake treatments, or sending malicious email attachments.
Follow these tips to avoid COVID-19 scams:
Don't click on links from sources you don't know. They could download viruses onto your computer or device.
Watch for emails claiming to be from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or experts saying they have information about the virus. Visit the CDC and World Health Organization (WHO) websites directly for accurate information.
Do your homework when it comes to donations, whether through charities or crowdfunding sites. If someone wants donations in cash, by gift card, or by wiring money, don't do it.
Beware of online offers for vaccinations. There currently are no vaccines, pills, potions, lotions, lozenges or other prescription or over-the-counter products available to treat or cure COVID-19, online or in stores.
Scammers are preying on vulnerable populations, including the elderly and low-income individuals. Please be on the lookout and report COVID-19 scams, fraud, price gouging, or other attempts to take advantage by calling (800) 222-4444 or going to StopFraudColorado.gov. The reports go straight to the Attorney General's Office so that they can respond quickly.
Update on Drag Racing
An update from DPD Officer Cameron regarding street racing in Southeast Denver:
"Update on recent [drag racing] enforcement along the highway. This weekend I was able to write numerous citations (10+ tickets), with some of the violations for speeds of 125 MPH, 123 MPH, 97 MPH in a posted 60 MPH zone. We were able to catch people actively engaged in street racing and subsequently issued citations. Vehicles were towed and impounded. These vehicles were placed on a hold for P.N.A.U. (Public Nuisance Abatement Unit). Thus, the drivers are not able to retrieve their vehicles from the impound for quite some time. The drivers that were caught during our enforcement were issued citations, with some of those citations carrying 20 points against their license for all applicable charges.”
Drag Racing is not merely a public nuisance, it is very dangerous and poses serious threat to public safety. If/when you hear and/or witness drag racing activity, report it to the Denver Police by calling 911.
If you have specific questions/concerns/information please reach out to our District 3 Community Resource Officers:
DPD Citizen Advisory Board Meetings
On the first Tuesday of every month, the Denver Police Department’s District 3 team hosts Citizen Advisory Board (CAB) meetings. Meetings are open to the public and everyone is welcome to attend.
CAB meetings begin at 6:00 PM. For the foreseeable future, all meetings will be conducted virtually. (Please contact DPD volunteer, Christie Mochoruk at d3.sector1.crovolunteer@gmail.com for virtual meeting information.)
Remaining 2020 CAB meetings:
June 2, 2020
July 7, 2020
No August Meeting
September 1, 2020
October 6, 2020
November 10, 2020
December 1, 2020
City, State, and National COVID-19 Information
City and County of Denver COVID-19 Data Summary
State of Colorado COVID-19 Information
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Economic Impact Payments
The IRS is committed to helping you get your Economic Impact Payment as soon as possible. The payments, also referred to as stimulus payments, are automatic for most taxpayers. (No further action is needed by taxpayers who filed tax returns in 2018 and 2019 and most seniors and retirees.) Check your payment status and/or enter your payment information.
Food Resources
Breakfast and Lunch
Denver Public Schools (DPS) is still providing sack breakfasts and lunches, Monday – Friday, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM. Both meals will be available for pickup only (no on-site dining allowed). Visit https://www.dpsk12.org/coronavirus/food-distribution/.
Grab and Go Dinners at Denver Recreation Centers
Where Denver Youth Eat Free. Grab-and-Go suppers will be available on a first-come, first-served basis for youth between the ages of 1-18, Monday – Friday from 3:30 PM – 5:30 PM. Updated information and a full list of all Tasty Food Sites and Schedules are available online https://www.denvergov.org/tastyfood.
Other Food Resources
Hunger Free Hotline at Hunger Free Colorado. (855) 855-4626 and www.hungerfreecolorado.org
All older Coloradans seeking assistance getting nutritious food:
1.844.COL.ADRC (1.844.265.2372)
Meals on Wheels (303) 297-0408
Children and Family Services ALL Denver Human Services (DHS) facilities are closed to the public until further notice. The decision to temporarily close DHS facilities was made in accordance with guidance from the Colorado Department of Human Services. While in-person transactions will be unavailable, staff will continue to offer critical support and safety services for Denver’s families through online and phone services from 8 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday – Friday. Services and transactions accessible online or by phone through www.denvergov.org/humanservices or 720-944-4347 include:
Applying for benefits (food, cash, medical, child care assistance, RTD Live)
Reporting changes
Submitting documents
Checking benefits status
Paying child support
Access information about rental assistance
Download applications for energy assistance and property tax relief
Report Abuse or Neglect
Report child abuse or neglect by calling 1-844-CO-4-KIDS (1-844-264-5437)
Report older adult abuse, neglect, or suspected exploitation by calling Adult Protective Services 720-944-4DHS (4347)
In Need of Shelter? Anyone needing access to shelter, or anyone who encounters someone who needs shelter, can call 2-1-1 (between the hours of 8 AM and 5 PM, Monday – Friday, to be connected to available resources, including transportation assistance for those who are homeless and have disabilities. In an emergency, always call 911.
RTD Service Has Shifted to Weekend Hours The Regional Transportation District (RTD) has suffered major budget challenges, human resource shortages, and been hit with major declines in ridership due to COVID-19 challenges. As such, RTD has decreased its transportation services. Light Rail service will be provided every day on RTD’s Sunday schedule. Daily bus service will be provided on RTD’s Saturday schedule. Learn more about RTD's adjusted schedules: https://www.rtd-denver.com/app/schedules. For information on RTD’s Access-a-Ride (including food delivery service), SeniorRide, and other services, visit https://www.rtd-denver.com/coronavirus.
Small Business Relief There is a Denver citywide program that addresses the most immediate needs of the business community. The program prioritizes industries most impacted by the coronavirus pandemic, such as the food industry, nail salons, barbershops, home childcare providers, and retail shops. Providing up to a $7,500 in cash grants to our most vulnerable, this program is designed to assist eligible small businesses that may have had to temporarily close, have difficulty paying rent and utilities, and/or have had to lay off staff. To learn more, contact DEDO's (Denver Economic Development & Opportunity) Business Development team at 720-913-1999.
Evictions Colorado Legal Services is continuing to provide free legal aid to qualifying households threatened with eviction. During the COVID-19 restrictions they are open for business remotely. Low-income tenants with housing issues can apply for free legal assistance by calling 303-837-1313. While Denver is not processing evictions, individuals may still receive notices from landlords demanding payment of rent. Or, they could possibly receive communications from attorneys or landlords, who can keep filing on-line. There is concern folks may be approached to sign "stipulations" (basically admitting to the eviction). So, it’s critical that low income tenants contact an attorney if they get any papers related to their housing, and especially before signing anything. With so many out of work, it is critical that tenants know what recent eviction moratoriums mean for them, how to communicate about lost income with landlords, and what their responsibilities are for paying rent. Tenants are confused and can use as much guidance as possible as they negotiate requests for rent reductions, extra time to pay, or other forbearance. A Tenant's Guide to COVID-19 was created by attorney, Zach Neumann, with input from a coalition of housing advocacy organizations. It will be updated as information changes, has links to emergency housing assistance resources, and helpful hints for communicating with landlords.
Property Tax Relief Denver Mayor Michael B. Hancock is taking additional measures to provide property tax relief to business and residential property owners. Colorado Governor Jared Polis’ Executive Order #D 2020 031 authorizes county treasurers to extend the waiver of interest on late payment of property taxes. The action also allows property owners who had previously chosen to pay property taxes all at once to pay in installments. Learn more.
Federal Small Business Administration (SBA) Visit www.sba.gov for information and resources pertaining to:
Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program
SBA Express Bridge Loans
Guidance for Businesses and Employers
SBA Products and Resources
Government Contracting
Local Assistance
Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce Visit https://denverchamber.org/members/covid/ to:
Apply for small business loans
Apply for unemployment insurance
Covid-19 Business Resource Center
Funding for Artists The IMAGINE 2020 Artist Assistance Fund, begun with a $130K set aside from the Department of Arts & Venues, has inspired a state partnership. Along with funds from the Warhol Foundation via Redline and Colorado Creative Industries, the program has been rebranded as the Colorado Relief Fund and total funding has increased to $340K. To apply for the fund visit: redlineart.submittable.com/submit/519f1f58-68d7-4ab6-83a1-44f6167a97f9/thecolorado-artist-relief-fund. Additional contributions to this important effort are welcomed from individuals, foundations, organizations, and corporations. Learn more at Artsandvenuesdenver.com.
Support Services If you need help with any of the items below, please visit Denvergov.org.
Business Assistance
Food, housing, rental, and utility assistance
Health & Wellness
Job Assistance
Youth Support
Transit and transportation
Volunteer with A Little Help A Little Help is a local nonprofit connecting neighbors and helping our older adults thrive. They are looking for people who need to be served, and people who can serve. All volunteers receive background checks. Volunteers are needed for:
Grocery shopping and delivery
Prescription pick-up and delivery
Help with yard work or snow shoveling
"Care calls" - Phone calls to older adults who are staying home and might not have anyone to talk to. Phone calls help provide a safety and wellness check and offer a form of safe social engagement.
Contact A Little Help for questions at www.alittlehelp.org and/or 720-242-9032.
Services for People with Disabilities Deaf, hard of hearing, and residents with speech disabilities can now text or email Denver 911 to report emergency and non-emergency situations occurring in Denver and around the metro area.
Text Message: (303) 513-6909
Email: Denver911@denvergov.org
Registry for Residents with Disabilities You may now submit information about yourself or other members of your household who have disabilities in order to help 911 respond appropriately during an emergency. Your information will remain confidential and will give officers advance warning about your circumstance prior to responding. This form should not be used to report emergencies. If you have a current emergency, please call 911 immediately. Register here.
Thank you for reading Please feel welcome to forward this message to anyone that may be interested and/or benefit from the information provided herein.