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2019 Annual Community Meeting Minutes

Updated: Feb 5, 2020

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

6:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Location: Bradley International School Auditorium (3051 S Elm St)


Welcome and Introductions by Emily


Neighborhood Safety and Awareness

  • Denver Police Department and Neighborhood Watch by DPD District 3 Officer Jim Lopez: Crime in University Hills is down 20%. 44% down in motor vehicle theft.

  • Street Racing Update by DPD District 3 Officer Jim Lopez: Call dispatch if you hear or witness street racing. DPD is trying to figure out where they are gathering to begin races. There is a multi-jurisdictional agreement to address this issue. Please keep reporting.

  • Speeding nearly Bradley International School presented by District 3 Officer Jim Lopez: A speed study was conducted on both S Elm St and S Dahlia St over an 11 day period. On Dahlia St, the average speed was 22 MPH. On Elm St, the average speed was 12 MPH. Average Daily vehicle volume, 560 vehicles. This data set indicates there is a traffic volume problem, not a speeding problem. Denver Public Works has been asked by Bradley International School and the University Hills Neighborhood Association to further examine traffic and traffic patterns once S Dahlia St resurfacing project is complete.

  • Denver Police Department will host a Fall Fun Superhero Run on Monday, October 28 at 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM in Eisenhower Park. Everyone welcome!


November Ballot Initiative

  • November Ballot Initiative, Prop CC. Multiple "against" groups were asked to present "against" arguments, but none agreed to come. Emily presented "against" Prop CC information from the State Blue Book. Against arguments included: Prop CC raises taxes permanently because it eliminates all State of Colorado TABOR refunds; Prop CC broadly directs where the newly acquired money will be spent and specifics can be changed in the future without voter approval. Ben from Great Education Colorado came to present "for" information: Prop CC will be good because it will make a major investment in Colorado education, both K-12 education and higher education. 80% of Colorado counties have already voted to forfeit TABOR tax refunds to use the money for important issues. Newly acquired money from Prop CC will also be used for capital improvements for Colorado's transportation network. Find more information at


Changes for the High Line Canal

  • High Line Canal will be undergoing changes. Denver Water will no longer run water through the Canal. Josh Phillips, Director of Planning and Implementation at the High Line Canal Conservancy presented on Canal topics. We know from the 2018 University Hills Neighborhood Association survey, that our community's favorite asset is the High Line Canal. Denver Water will no longer run water in the High Line Canal. The Conservancy was created with the goal to create longterm protection for the Canal. Since the High Line Canal Conservancy was created four years ago, things have been in the planning phase. The High Line Canal runs for 71 miles and through 11 jurisdictions and municipalities. Gaining consensus and creating formal agreements has been taking place. To address water issues, there are hopes to leverage storm water for the Canal. The trees and vegetation are at risk. The Conservancy has also been working on trail design guidelines which will be implemented over the next 10-15 years. Design guidelines include cement trails and rock/sand trails, improved signage and way finding, mile markers, and points of interest.

  • High Line Canal underpasses will be installed under South Colorado Blvd and East Hampden Ave. Projects are expected to begin in Spring of 2020. The construction will require that both East Hampden Ave and South Colorado Blvd be closed for 2 weeks. This is a very large project that involves multiple municipalities working together.

  • High Line Canal will need to rely on stormwater for its future. The University Hills area will be a part of a Denver Stormwater Pilot Project. There will be three structures installed to improve water quality and two water quality vaults installed (which will kill bacteria and parasites) before the water goes into the Canal. Stormwater will need to be managed in order for trees and foliage to grow.

  • High Line Canal Tree Canopy Care. There are 23,000 trees along the High Line Canal corridor -- the High Line Canal truly is an urban forest. Along the 71 mile corridor, there's an average of 200-600 trees per mile. Many of the trees along the High Line Canal are at the end of their natural lifespan. 800 are slated for removal. There are plans to begin planting more drought tolerant trees. Right now there are only stormwater use plans for 7 miles of the 71 mile High Line Canal. To maintain foliage and any kind of tree, storm water use will have to be expanded for anything to survive in our arid Colorado climate. Yellow dots recently painted on trees along the Canal are slate to be trimmed.


City Council, District 4 Presentation

  • Denver City Council, District 4 presentation was made by Kendra Black's assistant, Taylor Menning. There will be a Town Hall Meeting on Wed. Oct. 23 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM. The old K-Mart near Evans and Monaco has been sold for redevelopment. Opportunities are being explored by Forum Real Estate Group. Their other projects. include Kent Place and the Veranda. The old Safeway at Hampden and Happy Canyon will be replace in part by Marczyk, a neighborhood oriented food market.

  • High Line Canal Bridge at South Holly Street will not be replaced until mid to late 2020. Councilwoman Kendra Black's office will keep our community updated as things move forward.

  • Eisenhower Park playground slide will be replaced within the next 4-5 weeks.

  • East Yale Ave Corridor Study is underway. Denver Public Works is conducting a 12-month study from East Holly Street to South Downing Street. More details will be presented at the upcoming District 4 City Council Town Hall.


U-Hills Ross Library Programs

  • University Hills Ross Library presentation made by Donna. In early November, the library will be closed because the parking lot will be completely repaved.There is a new position at Denver Public Libraries, Coordinator of Older Adult Services. There will be an “I Am Denver Workshop” next Tuesday from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM. The purpose is to capture the history of our city. Tell your story by audio, visual or other means. The library will also offer a Creative Aging Series which will use arts, music and dance to enhance quality of life. The library also hosts tech classes and tech help appointments. All Denver Public Libraries have a Community Resource Specialists. Community Resource Specialists help people get access to food, housing, clouting, and other resources. Denver Public Libraries has a new policy, users can keep materials for up to six weeks without penalty.


University Hills Neighborhood Business items presented by Emily:

  • Bradley International School. CONGRATULATIONS to the faculty, teachers, and families at Bradley International which has been recognized as one of the best schools in the nation!... Bradley International School is a National Blue Ribbon School. Bradley was also recognized as a top ten school in the Denver Metro area!... Bradley beat out schools in the Cherry Creek district, private schools, and other public school districts. Congratulations Bradley!! Congratulations to Meg Cypress who was selected Colorado Teacher of the Year!!

  • Bradley International School property improvements at the corner of South Dahlia St and East Cornell Ave. Fellow neighbor and Bradley parent, Nick Nathan, is creating a committee to plan enhancements for the rundown corner of Bradley. More information to come.

  • Pedestrian Safety Improvements for kids at Bradley International School. Crosswalks are insufficient near and around Bradley. Since this is an area where there are many children, and the University Hills Neighborhood Association, together with Bradley International, has submitted a formal request to improve safety conditions. The letter was sent to: DPS Superintendent, DPS Board Members, Denver Public Works Department, Mayor Hancock, Councilwoman Black, Walk Denver, and Safe Routes to School.

  • Small Cell Antenna to be Installed @ 4758 E. Floyd Ave. The University Hills Neighborhood Association contacted AT&T and learned there's nothing we can do to oppose this because the small cell tower meets all FCC requirements and will be installed in the right-of-way. (This would be a different situation if the cell tower were going to be one of the very large 5G towers.). The small cell tower that will be installed will be 30 feet tall. The small cell tower that will be installed will not initially transmit 5G radio signal, but will likely carry 5G in the future.

  • East Hampden Ave. Resurfacing Project is underway. The construction company issued a noise variance request. Construction work will take place from 8 PM - 5:30 AM. The City says the construction should be completed by November 1.

  • Report concerns and issues to 311 and/or online at the City and County of Denver's Pocket Gov website. The University Hills Neighborhood Association is an RNO, not an HOA; concerns and issues should be reported to the City.

  • Santa at Wellshire Inn: Saturday, November 30, 2019; 8:00 AM - 11:30 AM at Wellshire Inn (3333 South Colorado Blvd). Free! Everyone welcome!

  • University Hills Neighborhood Association Board Elections: All board members are running unopposed and want to continue in their primary roles. All members were unanimously reelected


Community Open Forum:

  • What's happening with the U-Hills Lutheran Church on East Eastman Ave and South Dahlia St? One attending community member said he knew the congregation has been gathering at another church location. Another community member heard tthere were plans to update the building. UHNA will try to learn more. If you have information for the community, please let us know at

  • Upcoming Crime and Safety Events: Self Defense Class at Cook Park on Saturday, Oct. 12, 9:30 AM - 3 PM. Neighborhood Watch Class on Wed, Oct. 9, 6 PM - 9PM.


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